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Entdecken Sie viele hundert hochwertige Rohstoffe von CONIUNCTA® für Ihre individuellen Ideen. Unser Tipp: Geben Sie Teile der INCI-Bezeichnung ein, um Ihren gesuchten Rohstoff schnell zu finden.

<tc>CONIUNCTA®</tc> Excellence

At CONIUNCTA® , we are dedicated to creating an exceptional product portfolio that harnesses the power of nature for cosmetic and food technology masterpieces. Each of our extracts is a promise to manufacturers – a promise of quality, sustainability, and effectiveness. We understand the skin as a reflection of nature and strive to honor its perfection with every drop of our pure, powerful essences. For innovative skincare that harmonizes science and nature. Unleash the full potential of your products with ingredients that not only pamper but also allow your customers' skin to shine in its natural glow.

Vielfältige Auswahl an hochwertigen Rohstoffen für Kosmetik- und Lebensmittelanwendungen bei CONIUNCTA®.

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